Not only as a culinary exhibition, but Halal Food Festivals in various countries are also interpreted as an event of solidarity and mutual respect for diversity.
Finding halal food abroad, especially in a non-Muslim majority country, may be relatively difficult. However, as reported by the Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival (ISEF), every year there will be an increase in the world’s Muslim population so the demand for halal products also tends to increase.
This is reinforced by a report from the State of The Global Islamic, that since 2019 the level of consumption of halal products has increased, reaching USD 2.2 trillion. Although it decreased in 2020, in 2021 it is expected to increase to 6.3% annually.
This opportunity was also taken to introduce the halal lifestyle to the world community. One of them is through halal food festivals held in several countries. In addition to being a place to introduce halal food, in some countries this festival is also celebrated as a form of solidarity and an invitation to live consciously amidst differences.
Let’s explore one by one, what kind of halal food festival is that?
- London Halal Food Festival
The Halal Food Festival returned to the UK capital this year for its sixth edition with 25 cuisines on offer at more than 150 stalls. Halal Food Festival was recently organized at Rajadhani London, UK. Along with Muslims, non-Muslims also visited this event. The organizers say; The Halal food category is not just a food category; It is also a way of life. The event was held for the sixth time on 24-25 September at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park London Stadium. There were more than 150 stalls. Besides the UK, and Egypt; People from different countries including Spain were present in it. At least 18,000 people attended the two-day event. Bijagati Utsav director Kevin Jackson started the event 7 years ago with his partner Waleed Jahangia. It is now one of the largest halal food gatherings in the world in terms of the scale of events. According to them; There is no better way to share culture than through food. Host Jackson said; When they started this event; Back then, most Muslim events in London were held in community centers or school halls. But by organizing these events, the Muslim community has now entered the capital’s famous venues.
At least 18,000 people attended the two-day event, which ran from Sept. 24-25 at London Stadium in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The scale and scope of the festival mean London now hosts one of the largest specifically halal food gatherings in the world, according to organizers. Kevin Jackson, director of Algebra Festivals, launched the festival with his partner Waleed Jahangia seven years ago. “We created an event that would put food at the heart of the community. There’s no better way of sharing culture than through food,” he said.
London Halal Food Festival this year is the opening gate of the next incredible muslim event, London Mulsim Shopping Festival in the February 2023. This event will be bigger and more beautiful. All people is invited and educated about the culture and quality of Muslim productions whether in food and beverages, until the fashion.
2. Night Market Toronto, Canada
Night Market Toronto is a halal food festival that is based on the spirit of diversity. Besides being a form of appreciation, this festival is also a form of celebration of joy for the creation of harmony in the midst of people with different backgrounds as well as a form of real support for the local halal food business.
This festival has been going on since 2021 and will be enlivened again on June 17-19 2022. At this festival, many large organizations are collaborating such as Ajax, Mississauga Tourism, Knorr, Halal Meals, Metalworks, Islamic Relief, Human Concern International, and many more.
3. I Heart Halal Festival, Chicago
I Heart Halal Festival is an event held to share love and raise awareness of coexistence amidst differences. What makes this festival very interesting and impressive is that, apart from introducing halal food, this festival also wants to introduce halal as a concept or lifestyle. Not limited to food or drink only, but also includes fashion, entertainment, health and traveling. This halal concept or lifestyle is not limited to only Muslims; anyone can do it.
4. Thaicung Halal Food Festival, Taiwan
In Taiwan, there is a famous mosque that is very beautiful and often becomes a gathering place for Indonesian migrant workers every week. The gathering to establish friendship became known as the Taichung Halal Food Festival.
This festival has been held 15 times and is enlivened by Indonesian migrant workers who are members of the Indonesian Muslim Association of Taiwan (IMIT). Besides being dominated by Indonesian dishes such as Soto, Rawon, Rendang, Urap, Brongkos, and traditional snacks typical of the Indonesian market.
Halal friends will find authentic cuisines from Taiwan, Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Thailand, and other Southeast Asian countries. In addition, the live cooking at this festival is very attractive and comes with a presentation from each chef.
5. Malaysia Thai Halal Food Festival
This all-halal Thai food festival in Malaysia is also known as MATHAF and has been held since 2018.
In addition to the place that often moves, Halal friends will not be bored with hundreds of interesting and exotic Thai street food choices. Sweet, sour, salty, and spicy as well as live cooking are the characteristics.
6. Indonesia Halal Food Festival
Jakarta Halal Food Festival (JHFF) was held on Saturday-Sunday 17-18 December 2016 at Blok M Square, Jakarta. The festival, which was organized by Koran Sindo and DD Comm, was attended by dozens of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. The committee also collaborated with a number of halal communities in Indonesia such as the Dapur Halal Community, Salimah Community, and Nasyid Community. Head of the JHFF Committee Rizky Diansyah said that JHFF is expected to be a moment to encourage the potential of Indonesian halal food products. Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world is naturally a pioneer of the halal lifestyle. “This 2016 JHFF event aims to provide a pathway and a platform for culinary entrepreneurs to discover more about halal and get easy facilities in the halal certification process. This event is held to provide a unique and interesting event that can be enjoyed by all families and communities, especially DKI Jakarta,” said Rizky.
Unfortunately, the JHFF event only runs until 2017. We really hope that all #insanhalal in Indonesia can hold an event as grand as this to encourage businesses and consumers to increase their awareness of halal and its certification which is currently handled by BPJPH.